University Writing Center Logo

UWC Spring 2025 Hours

Jan. 13 – May 4 

UWC, 3rd Floor Malpass Library

Mon. – Thurs. 9 AM – 8 PM

Fri. 9 AM – 4 PM

Sun. 2 – 8 PM

Quad Cities In-Person Hours, Riverfront 205

Mon. 12:30 – 4:30 PM

Tues. 9 AM – 1 PM and 2 – 5 PM

Wed. 10 AM – 2 PM

Thurs. 9 AM – 12 PM

To Make an Appointment

  • Log in to the left
  • Click an available appointment slot
    • We recommend you schedule 30 minutes per 2 double-spaced pages, with a maximum of 8 double-spaced pages for a 2-hour appointment
  • Fill out the appointment form
  • Choose face-to-face, etutoring (asynchronous), or online (synchronous)
  • Upload your materials as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs

In-Person Appointments  

For in-person appointments, please bring either two (2) hard copies of materials you plan to share with your consultant or a computer. If you bring a computer, please upload your documents to your appointment for the consultant to access. Your consultant will be working on a separate computer.

eTutoring (Asynchronous) Appointments

eTutoring allows you to upload a document during a scheduled time slot (Central Standard Time) and receive feedback at the end of that time slot. Please attach your writing as a Word document or PDF, along with an assignment sheet and any information that will assist us in providing feedback. Watch our video for additional instructions.

Tutors will provide constructive/instructive feedback but will not simply edit or proofread. If what you upload is too long to cover in the scheduled time, a tutor will provide the feedback they can in the time allotted.

Online (Synchronous) Appointments

Online appointments allow you to work with a tutor in real-time (Central Standard Time). You have the option for video or audio, as well as chat only, as you work with your tutor. You can also upload a document or cut and paste it into the whiteboard space to work together. You must use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for an online appointment. Read additional instructions.

Call Us

(309) 298-2815

Leave a message and someone will return your call. 

Email Us